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  • 국가대표

    문화강국코리아 협동조합을 방문해주셔서 감사합니다.

    국가대표 문화예술인

    국가대표 정민수 화백

    페이지 정보

    작성자 최고관리자
    댓글 댓글 0건   조회Hit 50회   작성일Date 24-05-15 17:01


    1960. 서울특별시
    미국 서던  일리노이 대학교 미술대학 서양화 학사
    미국 위스콘신대학교 메디슨캠퍼스 대학원 서양화 석사
    1988년 Memorial Union Art Award
    1986년 Daily Egyption Award

    문화강국코리아협동조합 상임고문

    학 력

    1988 University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA (M.A.)
    1986 Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, USA (B.F.A.)

    Academic Background
    1988 University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA (M.A.)
    1986 Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, USA (B.F.A.)

    Solo Exhibition
    2014 11th Solo Exhibition (Seoul Art Center, Seoul, Korea)
    2005 10th Solo Exhibition (Modern Art Galler y, LA, USA)
    2001 9th Solo Exhibition (Larry Gallery, Illinois, USA)
    1997 8th Solo Exhibition (Albert Gallery, Illinois, USA)
    1994 7th Solo Exhibition (2D Gallery, Illinois, USA)
    1988 6th Solo Exhibition (Memorial Union Galleries, Wisconsin, USA)
    1987 5th Solo Exhibition (Seventh Floor Gallery, Wisconsin, USA)
    1986 4th Solo Exhibition (Paulson Art museum, Illinois, USA)
    1985 3rd Solo Exhibition (Modern Art Gallery, LA, USA)
    1984 2nd Solo Exhibition (Vergette Gallery, Illinois, USA)
    1984 1st Solo Exhibition (Jackson County Art Gallery, Illinois, USA)

    개 인 전

    2014 11th Solo Exhibition (Seoul Art Center, Seoul, Korea)
    2005 10th Solo Exhibition (Modern Art Galler y, LA, USA)
    2001 9th Solo Exhibition (Larry Gallery, Illinois, USA)
    1997 8th Solo Exhibition (Albert Gallery, Illinois, USA)
    1994 7th Solo Exhibition (2D Gallery, Illinois, USA)
    1988 6th Solo Exhibition (Memorial Union Galleries, Wisconsin, USA)
    1987 5th Solo Exhibition (Seventh Floor Gallery, Wisconsin, USA)
    1986 4th Solo Exhibition (Paulson Art museum, Illinois, USA)
    1985 3rd Solo Exhibition (Modern Art Gallery, LA, USA)
    1984 2nd Solo Exhibition (Vergette Gallery, Illinois, USA)

    1984 1st Solo Exhibition (Jackson County Art Gallery, Illinois, USA)
    그 룹 전

    2014 L.A. Aer Festival of Korean Contemporary Art
              (Park View Gallery, LA, USA) / 60회

    수 상

    1988 Memorial Union Art Award (Wisconsin, USA)
    1986 Daily Egyption Award (Illinois, USA)
    1984 Jackson County Art Award (Illinois, USA)
    1983 Southern Illinois Art Prize (Illinois, USA)

    청주대학교 교수 역임
    한국미술협회 정회원
    현 재: 한국 아랍에미리트 문화예술 교류협회 회장
    Group Exhibition
    2014 L.A. Aer Festival of Korean Contemporary Art
              (Park View Gallery, LA, USA) / 60 times

    1988 Memorial Union Art Award (Wisconsin, USA)
    1986 Daily Egyption Award (Illinois, USA)
    1984 Jackson County Art Award (Illinois, USA)
    1983 Southern Illinois Art Prize (Illinois, USA)

    Served as a professor of Cheong-Ju University
    A regular member of the Society of Korea Fine Art
    Chairman of the Society for Culture and Art 
     Exchange of Korea and United Arab Emirates

    Min-Su Jung assures that men developed surprising scientific techniques by investigating nature, finding rules, and applying them but they are the results of their limited thought. When they are substituted in the universe's infinite great flow and chaos, they are the only humble existence and the rules and frames artificially made by them are simply neutralized. Therefore, we are the only short-lived existence like a very small grain of sand in front of Mother Nature including the universe and should be modest. So, the artist reproduces mysterious phenomena of the universe by collecting them and rejecting his fantasy in them by applying them. It's because the diversified mysteries of the universe which pushes the limits of human knowledge show the purest image that we never see on earth.

    The artist explains the limits that passionate and mad energy cannot be spread as it is stuck in circles. But they are the works which can be classified into pure abstract painting. The two works that travelers on the desert are expressed are remarkable because they seem to be deeply connected to the artist's life and itinerary. It may safely be said that camels with loads and travelers that silently advance on the limitless desert can be regarded as the artist. A person walks alone during the long journey of life in a work. But it is better that there are companions who can walk together in another work. Even though he has spent most of his life being alone, he knows how to live in alone well. Our path in life that we should walk constantly enduring rough pain and frustration due to it which are repeated every moment by endurance. Nevertheless, every moment that we should continue to walk toward destinations with the concept that we can reach someday is metaphorically represented.

    Shin, Hyun Sik (Ph.D / Art Criticism)


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